We want to provide good flight deals from your home airport. Right now, we're focused on researching flight deals to meet the needs of travelers from the Eastern Carolinas. We only share deals that we would buy ourselves, which means we look for great discounts, good flight times, and reasonable layovers. Plus, as we get things started, all of our flight deals are free to everyone! Staying in the loop is easy, so sign up and start saving!
We currently search for deals from Wilmington NC (ILM) and will soon expand to: Myrtle Beach SC (MYR) and Charleston SC (CHS).
How Good Flights Works
1. Sign Up
You choose how you want to get deal access. Either sign up for our emails or follow us on Instagram or Facebook.
2. Start Receiving Deals
Once you're tapped in, you'll start to get deals sent directly to you throughout the week, all tailored to travel from Wilmington NC.
3. Book & Save
We outline the easiest way to book the deals we provide (often through Google Flights or other well known outlets). Subscribers save hundreds of dollars!